TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La SGS promuove le scienze geologiche in Svizzera. Pubblica la rivista «Swiss Journal of Geosciences» e organizza simposi e incontri dei gruppi di interesse, nonché escursioni tematiche.di più

Immagine: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comdi più

Early Career Geologists

The Swiss Geological Society encourages young scientists to become a member at a reduced rate of CHF per year. Membership includes the Swiss Journal of Geosciences. To be eligible for a student membership you must be an enrolled student (full-time or part-time) attending a tertiary eductional institution. Students must provide a certification from their Head of Department. Applications for student membership can be send directly to .

  • The SGS promotes the participation of young scientists in excursions by contributing CHF 100 per student member to the costs of the excursion.
  • The SGS supports attendance of student members at scientific meetings. See "SGS Conference Awards".
  • The SGS awards CHF 3000 each year for the best MSc thesis published at a Swiss institution. See "MSc Award".


Societa geologica svizzera (SGS)
c/o Engel Copera AG
Waldeggstrasse 37
3097 Bern-Liebefeld