TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La SGS promuove le scienze geologiche in Svizzera. Pubblica la rivista «Swiss Journal of Geosciences» e organizza simposi e incontri dei gruppi di interesse, nonché escursioni tematiche.di più

Immagine: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comdi più

Assemblea Generale 2021

Palais de Rumine (Lausanne)
Immagine: Karl Tschanz (SPG/SPS)

Report of the SPG/SPS General Assembly 2020

The annual meeting started at the Natural History Museum in Lausanne (Palais de Rumine) with guided tours of the paleontological and geological exhibition. During the General Assembly in Grandson, the Amanz Gressly Prize was awarded to Dr. Heinz Furrer, in recognition of his many years of commitment to communicating paleontological research results, initiating and accompanying paleontological excavations and designing and supervising paleontological museums. The excursion on the following day led to paleontologically interesting sites from the Cretaceous period in the Yverdon and Cressier region. You can find more information about the General Assembly in the 2022 edition of Nerinea.