TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La SGS promuove le scienze geologiche in Svizzera. Pubblica la rivista «Swiss Journal of Geosciences» e organizza simposi e incontri dei gruppi di interesse, nonché escursioni tematiche.di più

Immagine: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comdi più


Regular member (CHF 100)

Individuals interested in earth sciences and promoting the Society's goals.

Student member (CHF 50)

To be eligible for a student membership at a reduced rate of CHF 50 per year a person must be an enrolled student attending a tertiary educational institution. Students must provide a certification from their Head of Department. Student members can attend excursions organized by the Society or by affiliated specialist groups at reduced rates.

Corporate Members or Institutions (CHF 170)

Institutes other than libraries, societies or companies are eligible to become members at a rate of CHF 170 per year.


If you would like to become a member of the Swiss Geological Society please contact: .

How to pay your membership fee

Payment in favour of the Schweiz. Geologische Gesellschaft either via:

Postal account: 80-17174-1, CH-8000 Zürich,
IBAN: CH07 0900 0000 8001 7174 1

Bank account: 100.715 L1V, UBS AG, Zürich,
IBAN: CH83 0023 0230 1007 15L1 V

Change of Address

Members are kindly asked to make address changes themselves on our intranet. For communications regarding problems with the delivery of the Swiss Journal of Geosciences please send an email to .


Societa geologica svizzera (SGS)
c/o Engel Copera AG
Waldeggstrasse 37
3097 Bern-Liebefeld